Exceed® SAR and other legume inoculants manufactured by Visjon Biologics offer the grower an advantage in the field through the addition of fresh and plentiful nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
The symbiotic relationship the Rhizobium bacteria has with your legume crop enables the seed to germinate quickly and stimulates plant hormones responsible for root formation and development. This brings more nourishment to the plant, which is evident by rapid and healthy growth with high-yield return.
Do more than meet your yield goals... EXCEED them.
The Benefits of Rhizobium Bacteria Inoculation
Nitrogen-Fixation Process
Nitrogen (N2) is available for the plant, from 3 sources:
Air (Atmospheric)

The Rhizobium bacteria infects the roots of the plant, leading to the formation of nodules where Nitrogen fixation takes place.
Plant Residue (Decomposition)
Rhizobium Bacteria (Applied)
With high numbers of aggressive Nitrogen-fixing Rhizobia Bacteria:
Every soybean planted can fully yield.
Yield is improved in challenged areas.
Full-field Yield Averages increase.
Field conditions such as High or Low pH, Saturated Soil, Low Organic Matter and Longer Crop Rotations, can have adverse effects on Native Rhizobia in the soil. Inoculating with fresh Rhizobium Bacteria assures high numbers for the benefit of the plant.

The Exceed SAR Chitosan molecule triggers a defense response in the plant. This leads the plant’s immune system to form a bio-chemical barrier against pathogens and disease.

Boosts germination and root growth.
Boosts the plants ability to defend against fungal infections.
Elevates the plant immune system.
Fast acting formula – 24 hours after emergence and lasting up to 6 weeks.
Interrupts the life-cycle of the J1 and J2 soybean cyst nematode.
Increases Yield: 3.73 bushels per acre
Soybean results have shown an average increase of 3.73 bushels per acre over 51 trials.
Do more than meet your yield goals... EXCEED them.

Exceed SAR used in combination with Rhizobium. The Chitosan molecule signals the seedling to activate a response that primes theplant’s immune system within the cell structure.


The Exceed SAR Chitosan molecule triggers a defense response in the plant. This leads the plant’s immune system to form a bio-chemical barrier against pathogens and disease.

Exceed SAR used in combination with Rhizobium. The Chitosan molecule signals the seedling to activate a response that primes theplant’s immune system within the cell structure.
Peanut results have shown an average increaseof 434 pounds per acre over 6 trials.
Boosts germination and root growth.
Boosts the plants ability to defend against fungal infections.
Elevates the plant immune system.
Fast acting formula – 24 hours after emergence and lasting up to 6 weeks.
Interrupts the life-cycle of the J1 and J2 soybean cyst nematode.
Increases Yield: 434 pounds per acre
Do more than meet your yield goals... EXCEED them.

Soybean | Pulses | Corn | Canola | Small Grains
EXCEED DEEP ROOTS® FC is established at a high density around root mass in a symbiotic relationship with the plant roots. Increased nutrient uptake occurs with this relationship which leads to increased plant growth and yields.
EXCEED DEEP ROOTS® FC has been shown to promote root elongations and free phosphate. EXCEED DEEP ROOTS® FC can solubilize phosphate by reducing soil pH.
EXCEED DEEP ROOTS® FC protects roots from certain environmental stressors, allowing the roots to grow larger and DEEPER.
EXCEED DEEP ROOTS® FC is not a fungicide and it will not replace your standard fungicide seed treatment.

Increased Nutrient Availability and Uptake of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and others that can stimulate root development allowing the plants to explore a greater volume of soil. This nutrient boost results in: thicker stands, increased plant strength, and lush growth.

Quickly Colonizes to cover the emerging roots establishing at a high density around root mass in a symbiotic relationship, thus protecting the plant roots from environmental stressors.

Higher Yields.
Low Application Rate.
Low Cost to Treat.
Compliments your Seed Investment.

Compatible with most Fungicides and Insecticides. Insures even emergence and healthy plant stands.

EXCEED DEEP ROOTS® FC combines Trichoderma viride and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens to increase availability and uptake of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.